We had heard of restaurants in Europe and elsewhere with a rather unique twist on the dining experience where you are served and dine in complete darkness. Sort of a sensory deprivation culinary experience.
There will soon be a temporary equivalent happening in Dublin. The Church bar on Jervis street, along with other restaurants will be taking part in the fightingblindness.ie ‘Dining in the dark’ evening.
It’s well known as one of the best gastro pubs/restaurants in the city.
You will be treated to an evening of dining and wine, with 5 courses, all while blindfolded.
As Nevin Maguire says (he won’t be the one cooking in The Church) in the promotional video for the experience “They won’t be able to see the food, so they’ll have to discover it through taste, texture, and scent.”.
You can make a booking through reservations@thechurch.ie or call 018280102 or find out more on their event page. Link.