post-title Pubs in Dublin with a jukebox

Pubs in Dublin with a jukebox

Pubs in Dublin with a jukebox

Pubs in Dublin with a jukebox



They’re becoming more and more rare in Dublin pubs, but we do still get quite a few requests from people looking to spin (not literally) their own tunes in the pub while having a pint. Does it torment others? Do they care?

There’s not much to say about most of them, so we’ll just put them into a list with minimal commentary for easy access.

The Long Stone


There’s a jukebox in the smoking area of The Long Stone on Townsend street.


O’Donoghue’s Suffolk street








Oscars have an interesting take on the jukebox and requesting songs. They have a smartphone jukebox, where you can request songs from your phone while you’re in the bar.




The Chancery Inn



Gypsy Rose






The Hairy Lemon







We were once in Hacienda when someone paid to hear the entirety of Marty Pellow’s greatest hits. We will never forget that they have a jukebox.


As always, if there’s a pub that should be on this list, get in touch via social media or send us an email at