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archive-title Monthly Archives: June 2014

Monthly Archives: June 2014

Great first date pubs in Dublin

Best first date pubs in Dublin You’ve swiped right on Tinder, had the chats, and now comes the times to pick a venue and put your best foot forward. It’s always a brain wracker when looking for first date pubs. What does my choice of pub say about myself, will there be people I know […]

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Most haunted Dublin pubs (sort of)

Take a trip to all your favourite ‘haunts’ around the spectortacular Dublin city centre. Brazen Head- Haunted by the ghost of Robert Emmet, who was hanged nearby in 1803. His executioner was a regular too! The Bull and Castle- Said to be haunted by the ghost of poet James Clarence Mangan. The temperature dips when […]

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