Every now and then on twitter we have a bit of fun where we give people a theme and we try to make some terrible puns involving Dublin city centre (mostly) pubs. We came up with a few, some friends of Publin came up with a few, and there was a trojan effort from Publiners on twitter. So, credit where credit is due.
We’re very aware that these are pretty dodgy puns, but we’re just having some fun with it.
Let us know if you’ve got some better ones.
“Ice to see you”
“OK fellas, tuck your pants into your socks”
Free pint to the first person to shop the B-Sharps on the top of a Dublin pub.
“Free drinks? No. money down”
“You’re not getting in without Shoozily Doozilies”
You try coming up with a quote for a do-nothing character.
RIP Grimey
“Now if you’ll excuse me, all of this talking’s making me thirsty”
“Cheers lads, come again”
( The man pictured is actually a very talented musician. We’re not calling him Barney, we just don’t have any other good photos of the front of the pub. Sorry Brian!)
“Oww, my freakin beers”
“Put your hand in my glove of love”
Say some gangster is telling you your puns are a stretch and to get back to reporting about pubs. Just give ’em one of these.
Someone also gave us the suggestion, ‘I for one welcome our new insect overLord Edwards’, but that was even a stretch for us. Let us know your suggestions in the comments below.