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archive-title Monthly Archives: October 2016

Monthly Archives: October 2016

A peek inside a private members bar: The Law Society

    It’s been our intention for a while to be able to get into a few private members bars around the city, take some photos, some video, and maybe put it all together into a short documentary or at least an article. A few weeks ago the opportunity unexpectedly presented itself to see one […]

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Whelan’s now have their own beer

  Whelan’s, one of the best known small live music venues in Dublin, now has it’s own beer. Several other pubs have been joining forces with small craft breweries to create something with the branding of the pub on it, but as far as we know, this is the first non draft, bottled pub beer. […]

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Is this Dublin’s biggest pub burger?

  We interrupt your normal browsing to ask the question, ‘Is this the biggest pub burger in Dublin?’. Bad Bobs in Temple Bar have made our headlines before for massive burgers and Dublin’s spiciest wings, but could this be their greatest culinary achievement? It’s a double burger with 15oz of prime beef in each one […]

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Ken Doherty has a room named after him in a Dublin pub.

  Ken Doherty has won the Welsh Open, the Thai Masters, the the Malta Grand Prix, and the World Snooker Championship. Surely all of those achievements pale in comparison to the fact that one of his local pubs has a room named after him. In McSorley’s in Ranelagh they call it ‘The Ken Doherty Snug’. […]

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There’s a group that performs movie scripts that were never made.

  A while back we came across an event in The Grand Social that sounded pretty novel. A group of performers get together to read scripts for movies that never got made. They’re called ‘Storybreakers’, and they perform these rediscovered scripts in The Grand Social, on the northside of the Liffey. Previous performances include old […]

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You can watch the final US presidential debate in a pub.

  The final US presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump takes places tonight in Las Vegas, Nevada. The debate will begin in the early hours of Thursday morning Irish time. Democrats Abroad Ireland, a group of party members who live here, will be screening delayed coverage for politics enthusiasts and Democratic supporters in […]

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Video: Here’s how craft cider is made in Ireland.

  The folks at Stonewell cider have produced a video going through the various stages of the cider making process. From picking them off the tree, to sorting them for imperfections, to the pressing process itself. It’s an interesting snapshot into how local Irish produce is turned into an amazing apple cider. A bottle of […]

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Pub jobs in Dublin 12th October 2016

  We’ve put together another list of jobs currently available in Dublin city pubs at the moment. We’ve added the date that they were last listed and, where possible, how to apply. If you would like to add a job to this listing, please email publinie@gmail.com   McSorleys in Ranelagh require fllor staff and experienced […]

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Pubs in Dublin with a jukebox

  They’re becoming more and more rare in Dublin pubs, but we do still get quite a few requests from people looking to spin (not literally) their own tunes in the pub while having a pint. Does it torment others? Do they care? There’s not much to say about most of them, so we’ll just […]

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